Main » 2010»May»6 » Create watercolor painting effect in three ways
3:34 PM
Create watercolor painting effect in three ways
Creating watercolor painting effect in photoshop is easier than you think. In my previous tutorial i told you a way to turn a photo into a nice black and
white painting, but today i want to tell you three easy ways to get beautiful watercolor painting effects keeping original colors.
I use this stock:
1. Duplicate your base. Choose Dry brush from Artistic filter:
We have:
Then duplicate the base again, set it to soft light 100%, drag it to the top.
Ctr+Shift+Alt+E to get a new layer. Choose surface blur:
Final effect:
2. After duplicating your pic, choose Filter- Artistic-Sponge:
Duplicate your base again, change mode to soft light 100%, set on the
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E to merge all layers. Choose Surface blur:
And we have:
3. Duplicate your pic and choose Filter-Brush strokes- Accented edges
Duplicate the base, set to soft light 100%, bring it to the top:
Ctr+Shift+Alt+E and then choose Surface blur:
To strengthen and sharpen the pic we choose Angled stroke from Brush
ABOUT ME: I'm Jenny and i live in Hanoi, Vietnam. If you like what i write or want to keep in touch with me, you can subscribe to My blog, email me
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