Make a soft dreamy effect using simple techniques to give fantastic and artistic look to your picture.
1. Duplicate your pic. Use any method you like to soften the skin ( if
you use portrait photo). I use Blur Tool because my model skin is pretty
fine .
2. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E. If your portrait has dark tone, use your favorite
choice to brighten it.You can use curves, Level and Brightness/contrast.
I use new layer filled with white, set to Overlay 10%.
3. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E. Apply Gassian Blur with 4px, then set this layer to
Darken 100%. Add a layer mask to erase the eyes and lips.
4. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+ E again. Apply Diffuse Glow, make sure that background color is set to white. Lower opacity to 70%.
5. Create a new layer and set to overlay like that:
Use Dodge and Burn tool to set off the eyes and lips.
ABOUT ME: I'm Jenny and i live in Hanoi, Vietnam. If you like what i write or want to keep in touch with me, you can subscribe to My blog, email me
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