In this tutorial i will show you a way to create dreamy and sparkling star effect on a photo.
1. Duplicate your pic. I use this stock:
I think it needs more light so i create a new adjustment level:
2. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E to get a new layer. Duplicate it, apply Gassian
blur, 5px. Then use Lasso tool to draw a circle around the model with
feather 50, after that press Delete:
3. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E. Create a new layer and fill it with black ( choose
Edit-Fill). Choose Filter-Noise-Add noise:
4. Choose Image-Adjustment-Threshold: (adjust the intensity depending on
your pic). Here i choose level =120. Duplicate this layer (on my layer
pallete, its Layer 4) twice.
5. Choose layer 4, apply Motion blur:
6. Choose layer 4 copy, apply Motion blur:
7. Choose layer 4 copy 2, apply Gassian blur:
8. Change the mode of layer 4 copy and layer 4 copy 2 to Screen 100% we
9. Merge these three layers , i rename it S. Duplicate S three times and
change the mode of these layers to Screen 100% (except S).
10. Merge all S layers to a new layer, i rename it B. Set B to
Color Dodge 100%. Erase uneccessasry parts on model:
11. Duplicate B , apply Gassian blur with 1.5px, then adjust Level:
ABOUT ME: I'm Jenny and i live in Hanoi, Vietnam. If you like what i write or want to keep in touch with me, you can subscribe to My blog, email me
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